Metal/Steel Industry

Maxmite influences the huge ERP capacities of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and conveys upgraded usefulness and advantages that address the particular necessities of the steel and metals industry, a long ways past those in standard ERP frameworks. We are intended to give steel producers remarkable perceivability into all features of their business in a solitary ERP framework.

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Multi-Area Reconciliation

Range ERP Multi-Company highlight helps steel plants coordinate broadened business processes from different areas. This further develops joint effort and coordination across different areas, units and offices.

Costing and Cost Controls

Range ERP gives different expense control instruments, for example, Budget at Cost Center and Item Level, Inventory Control. It has arrangements for cost controls at exchanges levels.

Count Integration

Range ERP can be flawlessly coordinated with Tally ERP. This gives the force of Spectrum ERP alongside the adaptability of Tally. It assists execute with dominating strategic approaches in associations without affecting their accounting rehearses.


User Friendly



Single Platform

Easily Customize in One Minute


Solid and sturdy development

Request Management

Our Steel ERP Software has a uniquely planned Order Management Module to suit the practices continued in the Steel Industry. It has a framework for recording data about agreements, orders, dispatch plans alongside specialist data.

Natural substance Features

Range ERP has been extraordinarily arranged to incorporate steel industry explicit unrefined substance related prerequisites. It permits you to characterize quality boundaries at Item level and create change reports.


Because of its tendency, Steel Industry requires strong strategic activities for development of unrefined components, completed merchandise and so on. We give operations related highlights to deal with mass transportation, cargo request, cargo invoicing.

Material Requirement Planning

Steel Industry is extremely material serious industry. Steel Industries should stay away from circumstances of stock out or overloading in every conceivable manner.

Weighbridge Integration with Spectrum ERP

You can coordinate weighbridge activity straightforwardly with Spectrum ERP. All Material Movement exercises, for example, natural substance being gotten in Spectrum ERP.

Resource Management and Maintenance Module

To be serious on the lookout, it is basic for Steel Industries to guarantee smooth working of plants, streamline plant proficiency and working expenses.

How it works?

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Defining the scope

Characterizing the extent of the execution, project achievements, customizations required, process maps, and anticipated results.

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Analysing business requirements

Examining the business prerequisites, introducing the product in a "sandbox" climate, and designing the framework to match the vital cycle work process.

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Migrating and mapping information

Relocating and planning information into the new framework and performing confirmation checks.

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Testing the framework

Across all divisions and reliably testing and going through the statement to-cash cycle.

The Trust We've Earned

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